Geeth Sandaru Madhushan Appuhamy

Friday, November 23, 2018

Python Anaconda

I am doing machine learning on both windows 10 and linux. For linux, I use python 3.7 which is currently the latest with TensorFlow and for windows 10 I use python 3.6 with Anaconda and R for data science.
In that way I can learn both methods. Apparently, it doesn't matter if you already have python installed in your computer when you are going to install anaconda. You still can install anaconda with it's packages separately. I installed anaconda via Visual Studio and after testing that I am going to install anaconda separately. I also installed numpy and matplotlib via VS. You also need to set paths for python and anaconda to use it in command line interface globally and to directly run the script in Visual Studio Code which is really comfortable.

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