Geeth Sandaru Madhushan Appuhamy

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Faced an Interview

I was looking for an opportunity to work as an intern after my second year. So, I was told about this company name iPhonik which deals with netoworking and customer calls automation stuff.
I was interviewed by the owner of the company and selected me to be an intern for about 3 months and then hopefully I could have a job there. He asked me about machine learning (which I'm currently studying as a hobby) and C# .NET technologies.
However, on the way home, I had a call from Pearson Lanka which is a big and famous company and asked me if I'm available for an internship. I said yes. Well, I only passed the interview at iPhonik right...
So, now, I am in kind of a ambiguous situation where I can't really figure out where to go. In the begin, I was thinking of joining the WSO2 or Pearson and then a friend set up an interview with iPhonik and then I got selected there and then... Oh! What to do?
I just called Sameera and Prabhath for some guidance and they had different opinions about my situation.
Sammera told me, no matter how hard it would be, even if I'm not getting paid, I should join with a company like Pearson or WSO2 for my internship. Because it would be good for my job interviews later. I know that. But, I am in a financial crisis now. So, NO!
Prabhath said, I should go to iPhonik. Event if it is still a starting up company it's not that small. Also, unlike with the big companies, there's a possibility that I may get a job within about 3 months and I can learn many fields in IT. In a big company, I would just do something common everyday and specially, they wouldn't let me do series stuff for a while.
So..., I decided to choose iPhonik. It's not like I'm gonna be there forever right!
I can work there for like two years or so. I can do my best for the company. Maybe even help iPhonik become one of the biggest company in the country.
I can do my A/L meanwhile and make my self qualified for the third year of my degree program which I currently have postponed just because I failed one subject in A/L which is not even related to the field of my degree. Damn you Sri Lanka!!!
It's gonna take me two years just to do my third year now.

2018|2019 - Internship and then hopefully the job
                    A/L exam to get at least 3 passes. (Even if I have 3.9 GPA in my second year)
                    Learn some Arduino and Machine Learning
                    Collect money for the third year (I don't think that's possible though)

2020         -  Third year at SLIIT or Curtain university (Maybe Cyber Security other than SE)
                    Software developer job

I hope this would work!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Python Anaconda

I am doing machine learning on both windows 10 and linux. For linux, I use python 3.7 which is currently the latest with TensorFlow and for windows 10 I use python 3.6 with Anaconda and R for data science.
In that way I can learn both methods. Apparently, it doesn't matter if you already have python installed in your computer when you are going to install anaconda. You still can install anaconda with it's packages separately. I installed anaconda via Visual Studio and after testing that I am going to install anaconda separately. I also installed numpy and matplotlib via VS. You also need to set paths for python and anaconda to use it in command line interface globally and to directly run the script in Visual Studio Code which is really comfortable.

Monday, November 19, 2018

What Next?

I'm at my vacation after the 2nd year of my degree program.

I started Software Engineering degree program at SLIIT after leaving Quantity Surveying behind and it's been going good. Actually, I was one of the best students there. Now, the second year is over.
I decided to learn Machine Learning during my vacation specially because that was the reason I entered into the industry and it's the new sexy these days :-) . Anyway, I'm currently working on some c# applications for some of my customers too.
So, now I am in the very basics of ML and I am training ML with Ubuntu so that I can learn to work in a Linux environment while studying ML. Clever me...!

ML is all about mathematics with probability and statistics.
So far, I had to learn statistics and regression(linear regression, etc.). I still have many more math to study. But, many of students think that it can be hard because it contains math. Seriously, if you don't like to play with a little math, you shouldn't be doing computer science at all. Mathematics is fun and very exiting if you really give it a thought other than just parrot up the theories.
However, I'm still undergoing the lessons from internet. I really need to minimize the time I put into watch movies and stuff. I'm like addicted to movies and tv dramas.
I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to do. But, everything has a limit right?

Friday, February 17, 2017

Revolutionary Apple iPhones

On 7th January of 2007, 10 years back from now, first revolutionary iphone was introduced to the man kind by Steve Jobs at the mac world expo. It was something that man kind has not seen before. Something that had a long journey ahead. 
                           In that time period, mobile phones were so different from this device. The iphone was a magical device. Guess what? It had a screen that could touch and play and scroll. People had not experience this technology before. After that expo, reporters had report that it was an idea from the god!. They called it the "Jesus phone".
              10 years ago, there was no touch screens in mobile phones. Just a key board. There was no wide displays and incapable of connecting to the Internet. So, this device was really helped people to make their day to day work easier and faster. This is the most successful tech device in the history. 
              First iphone model started selling at 6 p.m. on 29th June, 2007. There was hundreds of people surrounded by shops to by this magical device. Even today, people are so exited with starting days of selling the new iphone model. 
               In the end of 2007, Apple sold 6.1 million iphones all over the world. In 2008, they launched their next iphone model, iphone 3G. They could sell 1 million iphones in the first week. Since today, they have sold their every iphone model with breaking records. They have launched 7 iphone models by now. The latest one is iphone 7. 
                                    Tim cook, the current CEO of Apple inc. revealed that they have sold more than 1 billion iphones by now. iphone has 43.6% of the smart phone market now. Apple is the current most valuable company in the world since 2012. 
                                     In this fall, they are about to bring the next great iphone model for their 10th anniversary.  No doubt, it will be the next breakthrough of the smart phone industry.   

Monday, February 6, 2017


Happiness is a different feeling than we know about it. Most of the people think that they need only money to be happy. But, what they really want is respect. Respect is what matters. No one needs to be rich. They just love to show off and to be famous. But some people love people. Wish they were politicians. But they aren't. They just work hard for human kind, for their greater good and for a better future on this earth. What makes me happy is being with computers and struggling with math problems. Also, I need to pay my debt to this world and the nature. Find your happiness and don’t give up until you do. It’s never too late. If money does not make you happy, don’t waste it. Use it to find the real happiness.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Dual booted Kali Linux and Windows 10. Then I wanted to delete Kali Linux and I booted into Windows 10 and deleted the disk partition contained Kali. Restarted. Got stuck on grub rescue interface. Nothing's working. Took a windows boot DVD and repaired the windows from following rout.
Type- bootrec.exe/fixMbr- enter- bootrec.exe/fixBoot
then exited the prompt and restarted. It worked.

Monday, January 23, 2017

I'm gonna make the most important decision of my life. It's not what you think. I'm gonna leave my path as a Quantity Surveyor and start the path I always wanted. It's Computer field. Programming. So, I'm gonna follow a computer science course first and it's gonna be at NIBM mostly. Then I'm gonna follow a degree to either software engineering or Computer science. I know that this plan could be worst and I could messed my whole life up. But what I believe is that doing or even trying to do what you love is better than living a life doing what you may don't like. This choice could be end up so sadly. I don't care. To hell with it. Bye.

Edit : It was SLIIT and CS50 @ Harvard